On 23 July 2014 15:58, Brian May <br...@microcomaustralia.com.au> wrote:

> You are expected to do all database migrations with Django 1.6, then
> upgrade to Django 1.7

Some more thoughts.

Are there any packages in Debian that attempt to automatically do database
migrations on upgrade?

If, not, that is good. Will solve the problem with my own package on my
own, it isn't in Debian.

However, if there are, we need to be able to disable this functionality
until the system administrator has manually confirmed that all Django South
migrations have been run.

Was thinking of having some sort of flag file that is created to confirm it
is safe to run Django 1.7 migrations. I picture this to be something like
(not tested) the following - maybe this could be scripted?

virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/old_django
. ~/old_django/bin/activate
pip install django==1.6.5
pip install django-south
django-admin --settings=??? migrate --all
touch /etc/xyz/south_migrations_complete
rm -rf ~/old_django

Don't particularly like using --system-site-packages, think it will be
required to find the application however. Hopefully it will still get the
correct version of Django in this case.

Obviously, if this is scripted, you would use a temp directory, not
Brian May <br...@microcomaustralia.com.au>

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