On 7 August 2014 10:19, Brian May <br...@microcomaustralia.com.au> wrote:

> virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/old_django
> . ~/old_django/bin/activate
> pip install django==1.6.5
> pip install django-south
> django-admin --settings=??? migrate --all

Calling django-admin like that won't use the virtualenv.

> touch /etc/xyz/south_migrations_complete
> deactivate
> rm -rf ~/old_django

Latest version of this:

=== cut ===

set -ex

TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
trap "rm -rf -- '$TMPDIR'" EXIT HUP INT TERM

virtualenv --system-site-packages "$TMPDIR"
. "$TMPDIR/bin/activate"

pip install django==1.6.5
pip install south

python /usr/bin/django-admin -smyapp.settings migrate "$@"
=== cut ===

Note that I have explicitly called python. This ensures Python 3 not used
(not supported by South + the virtualenv is Python 2 only) and that we get
the python from the virtualenv.

I have tested this and it appears to work, although the above was changed
not to be specific to my app.
Brian May <br...@microcomaustralia.com.au>

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