Le 1 oct. 2017 09:49, "Ben Finney" <bign...@debian.org> a écrit :

Ghislain Vaillant <ghisv...@gmail.com> writes:

> Don't get me wrong, I understand the rationales from a DFSG
> perspective. I am just questioning whether users of this particular
> piece of software would particularly care.

The same could be asked of many user-facing packages in Debian. Your
question, though, makes an incorrect assumption: that “users of this
particular piece of software” is a group whose membership is unaffected
by having the package in Debian.

On the contrary. Take me as a counter-example. I am not a user of this
particular piece of software, because I have little interest in judging
for myself the hundreds of user-facing applications on my system.

If it were in Debian I can then take all the assurance that brings about
freedom and maintenance, and I may indeed consider using this particular
piece of software where otherwise I would not.

So, one important reason to package a work in Debian is to *increase*
the set of people who can easily install and use it.

All 3 means of installation (Jetbrain's app, snap and potentially apt) are
one-liners for the end-user. So, ease-of-use is hardly a compelling

And I don't question your initial assessment about other applications in
the archive. Hence myself mentioning eclipse earlier, as a similar package
which used to be actively maintained until the effort died out.

I am just wondering whether an effort to package pycharm would not reach
the same outcome, assuming it passes the initial import phase. The Atom IDE
for instance never did.


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