On Wed, 04 Oct 2017 at 14:11:02 -0700, Diane Trout wrote:
> I do wish that these third party app systems like conda, snappy or
> flatpak would include metadata like AppStream or DOAP.

Flatpak already does.

Flatpak apps nearly always include AppStream metadata, which Flatpak's
repository maintenance tool aggregates into AppStream distro XML in
special branches in the repository for easier access (analogous to how dak
aggregates dpkg metadata into dists/**/Packages, and AppStream metadata
into DEP-11 YAML). Any Flatpak package that doesn't have AppStream
metadata won't appear in GNOME Software (and probably other GUIs), and so
will only be installable via the CLI or a web link to a .flatpakref file.

DOAP isn't really for this: it provides developer-facing information
about projects (source packages), whereas AppStream provides user-facing
information about apps (binary packages). If AppStream is like dpkg
binary package metadata (control.tar.*), then DOAP is more like the
first paragraph of debian/control in a dpkg source package.


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