Ghislain Vaillant <> writes:

> All 3 means of installation (Jetbrain's app, snap and potentially apt)
> are one-liners for the end-user. So, ease-of-use is hardly a
> compelling argument.

That's not the argument I made. I am satying that there are people who
are not in the set of people who will install Snap or Flatpak or etc.,
because it's too much hassle to know whether it is free software or
whether it will work correctly with the rest of the system.

Getting the work as free software in Debian opens up the package for
installation by those people. I count myself among them.

I say this to counter the idea that there is a set of “users of this
software package” that is not affected by whether the software is in
Debian. That is false, and indeed getting the package maintained in
Debian is a way to *increase* the potential members of that set.

So, I don't find the “would users of this software package care about it
being in Debian” query not compelling, because it makes a false
assumption about the relationship.

 \        “If we ruin the Earth, there is no place else to go. This is |
  `\    not a disposable world, and we are not yet able to re-engineer |
_o__)                      other planets.” —Carl Sagan, _Cosmos_, 1980 |
Ben Finney

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