On 2017-10-01 23:16, Andrey Rahmatullin wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 01, 2017 at 04:52:55PM +0200, W. Martin Borgert wrote:
> > I usually start to use software, when it arrives in Debian.
> > Or I package it. If there is some snap or other third party
> > package, I'm unsure how to work with it:
> >
> > How to install?
> I expand the tarball to ~

This is my point: I'm too lazy and too old to find out for every
random application how to install, uninstall, upgrade it, find
out which version, if any, is installed on my system, whether
the software complies with the DFSG, etc.

> Surely you don't expect the Debian maintainers to fix bugs you could
> encounter in PyCharm?

I expect Debian maintainers to forward bugs to upstream, if they
assume, that the bug is not introduced by them. (For some highly
complex software, like Gnome or KDE, this is not practical, but
for many packages this should work.)


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