snapd maintainer here...

On 2 October 2017 at 09:49, Brian May <> wrote:

> Ghislain Vaillant <> writes:
> > May I ask what would be the benefit for pycharm to be in Debian, when we
> > already have the official Jetbrains Toolbox App or the snap package as
> > means to install and update the application?
> For what its worth, last time I tried snap on Debian stable I found it
> didn't work reliably.

Can you elaborate? Do you have apparmor enabled? I am aware that there are
problems on stable currently but being explicit reduces guessing.

I hope that once the core snap is updated to get 2.28 things will be better
even on stable but I'm not 100% sure.

I asked in Stack Overflow, and managed to backport the version of snap
> from unstable. Where I encountered exactly the same problems as before:
> packages-on-debian-stable

Can you try just installing the package from unstable rather than
rebuilding it? (sometimes static linking does solve problems :-p)


So possibly at least one of my problems is a Kernel issue in Debian
> stable (at least my current theory), however this seems to indicate to
> me that snap is still somewhat bleeding edge and cannot be relied on.
> --
> Brian May <>

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