On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 09:32:30PM -0800, Itai Seggev wrote:
> It failed to compile because it couldn't find all the headers. I used
> the command 
> ./configure --prefix=/usr --includedir=/usr/include/kde 
> --mandir=/usr/share/man --libdir=/usr/lib/kde3
> and that is currently compiling. Did I need to use this complicated
> command, or is this a sympton of the fact that the package wants
> autoconf 1.8, and I have 1.7 installed? I'll let you know what happens
> with the compile when its done. 

Well, this fixed the problem!!?? So is it packaging? I have no idea
why this happened.

BTW, there seemed to be missing files in
kdelibs-3.2.1/pics/crystalsvg. At any rate, "make install" failed and
I had to replace the makefile inorder to get it to install. 


Itai Seggev, University of Chicago, Department of Physics
Co-coordinator, Carmel Project (http://linbrew.sourceforge.net/carmel)

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