OK, so this is the only place in the source where the error message

   QStringList keys() const
        QSettings cfg;
        KStyleDirs::dirs()->addToSearch( "config", cfg );

        QStringList keys;
        bool ok;

        keys = cfg.readListEntry( "/kthemestyle/themes", &ok);
        if ( !ok )
            qWarning( "KThemeStyle cache seems corrupt!\n" ); //Too
        bad one can
't i18n this :-(

        return keys;

This code is the same in both debian and pristine sources (which I
guess makes sense, given the recompiling the debian sources fixes the
problem). It's not entirely clear to me how this code actually ever
works, but apparently it does. However, I'm no closer to figuring out
why I'm getting this message. (Perhaps this is only the result of an
upgrade? If I get the chance, I'll try install the pacakges on a
pristine partition and see what happens).


Itai Seggev, University of Chicago, Department of Physics
Co-coordinator, Carmel Project (http://linbrew.sourceforge.net/carmel)

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