On 13 June 2014 14:37, Yaroslav Halchenko <deb...@onerussian.com> wrote:

> Hi Tim,
> We are looking to get virtuoso updated in Debian.  I was referred to
> http://wiki.lod2.eu/display/LOD2DOC/Installation+of+a+local+LOD2+stack as
> an
> alternative source and I see that you have done some work to update package
> (from Ubuntu) for the 7.1 release.
> Since you had some experience with it, would you be interested to
> jump on board with maintaining virtuoso in Debian?  (there is seems to
> be some work still needed to finalize the package you have created so it
> could be accepted to stock Debian)


On average, yes, I'm interested.

I can't claim my Debian dev-knowledge is great, but we can certainly work
on that. Maybe it would be sane to start by porting the Ubuntu-style
packaging I did for LOD2 back to Debian?

Tim Haynes
Product Development Consultant
OpenLink Software

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