On Thursday 16 July 2015 17:17:38 JanKusanagi wrote:
> Package: libqt5core5a
> Version: 5.4.2+dfsg-4
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> I've upgraded the Plasma desktop to Plasma 5, and the new desktop fails to
> start. Looking into the problem I've realized that several components
> (kwin_x11, plasmashell, several of the systemsettings5 modules...) finish
> showing the message "This program requires an X86 processor that supports
> SSE2 extension, at least a Pentium 4 or newer" in the console.
> I've also checked that a non-kf5 program such as 2048-qt also fails to start
> with the same message.
> As per
> http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2013-December/014530.html
> I understand that all or some Qt5 packages are built with SSE2 requirement
> enabled.
> >From that link and from experimentation, I think the crashes only occur in
> >programs
> that use QML. For instance, the KF5 version of KWrite and Konsole work fine.
> I understand a machine such as this Celeron is ancient, but maybe it would
> be possible (and worthwhile) to provide some kind of dual/conficting
> packages for some of those libraries, with and without the SSE2
> requirements.

Indeed we might be missing buildin libQml without SSE2 apart of the SSE2-
enabled version, if possible at all. If it is possible it will disable JIT, so 
those apps will definitely run slower.

I'll see what I can do, but expect this bug fixed in Qt >= 5.5.0 whenever we 
get to push it.

Thanks for your bug report!

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protección sistemática de los derechos de uso de la misma,
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  David Cuartielles

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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