On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 14:33:55 +0200, Jordi Mallach wrote:

> Hi!
> I've performed some tests of partial upgrades from GNOME 2.6 to GNOME
> 2.8 in experimental.
> I tried to upgrade one component at a time, and once that was done, I
> logged out of GNOME, restarted GDM, and killed the GNOME user processes
> that could be temporarily laying around (bonobo-activation,
> gnome-keyring...). After logging into GNOME again, I tried to start the
> applications that usually show problems quite fast (gedit, nautilus,
> etc).
> In some cases, before upgrading a lib I tested for pending shlib bumps.
> The results unveiled two cases of slightly outdated shlibs, and a few
> -common/-data packages that are not updated. The former have been fixed
> in SVN already, and the latter isn't even a bug in some cases, in other
> cases it just means the translations are not completely up to date, but
> no grave functionality regression. The GNOME system always worked ok
> when logging in after each iteration.
> I upgraded stuff in this order:

> evolution


> Other tests using different combinations would be welcome, maybe not
> step by step. Just adding experimental and doing "apt-get install
> gnome-applets", to see how it goes, would be ok, and same for big stuff
> like nautilus, etc.

Evolution is all I updated, it failed and after some search I discovered
that an update to gtk 2.4.13 had the bug fixes I need. Many
logouts/reboots later and it is working fine.

I say release the asparagus.


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