Control: block 906119 by -1

(I sent this as a plain email, after asking on #debian-release what
the best representation in the BTS would be, but I didn't get a useful
reply, so I am resending this as a bug report without any useful
tags.  Sorry for any inconvenience.)


Dear Release Team, would you please decide whether
is, in your opinion, RC ?

(Also, as I imagine this is not so easy, can you please let me know
when I should expect to hear back?)

Marc Dequènes (duck) writes ("Re:  Gratuitous sexual references"):
> Control: tag -1 wontfix
> Control: severity -1 wishlist

As I wrote in my initial mail:

 | If you as maintainer disagree with my assessment, then we should
 | refer the dispute about the bug severity to the Release Team, in
 | accordance with usual practice.

So I am doing that now.

I also wrote:

 | For the avoidance of doubt: if the Release Team feel the project's
 | consensus is not sufficiently clear; or that a removal decision by
 | the Release Team would lack legitimacy, I would quite understand.
 | In that case the right next step would be a General Resolution.  If
 | necessary I will propose and/or sponsor a GR to definitively
 | establish Debian's view that this package is unacceptable.

Marc suggested the TC.  I don't think the TC is appropriate for this

But of course the Release Team could delegate this decision to the TC.
Or, the Release Team might want to informally consult the TC, or other
relevant people in Debian such as the DPL, ftpmaster or the
antiharassment team.


Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

If I emailed you from an address or, that is
a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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