Martín Ferrari writes ("Re: Should the weboob package stay in Debian?"):
> I am writing on behalf of the Anti-Harassment team, as our input has
> been requested on this issue.

Thanks for your considered and helpful response.

>    our recommendation would be to either work with
> upstream on correcting these issues, forking and/or patching it, or just
> removing the package. There is still enough time to find a solution that
> respects our users and our community while keeping a useful piece of
> software in the archive.

That would be great.

Speaking personally I am definitely willing to talk to anyone about
this but ... experience suggests that, despite my best efforts, my
communication style does not lead to happiness in these kind of
situations.  I think it would be best if someone else would take the
lead in negotiations.

OTOH if it is necessary to diverge from upstream: I have a lot of
experience with build systems and version control systems and could
probably help with the technical work.  I would be tempted to write a
git-filter-branch script, because that would produce a
probably-useable git history and make it easier to handle future
upstream updates.

I am happy to do that technical work if we can agree, within Debian
(including, obviously, the Debian maintainer) on the basic shape.

I look forward to hearing from the Debian maintainer, who I think is
the first point of contact for the management of the package in


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