On 01/10/2019 19:23, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> And for the record, the next upload of gdal to unstable which will
> likely be of the 2.4 series will also drop the Python 2 support, so not
> providing python-gdal won't be an argument to block this transition.

As it's been said, we need to disentangle the gdal library transition from the
python2 removal. So either python2 support gets added back to 3.0.1 so that we
can transition to that without the new lib getting stuck in sid, or the removal
happens before the library transition and we wait for the py2-free gdal to
transition to testing before going ahead with gdal 3.0.1. Which given the amount
of rdeps, it seems like that could take a while and block other transitions that
will need gdal to get rebuilt and migrated to testing, so please don't do that
until the rdeps are ready.


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