
On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 12:29:51AM -0500, Steve M. Robbins wrote:
> As to the question of who will do the porting work, I'll be frank: it
> won't be me.  I'll help out where I can, but I have a limited time for
> Debian each week and am already overstretched.  I won't speak for the
> rest of the Boost team, except to note that the Changelog will show
> that for the past 7 years there has been only one active maintainer at
> a time, alternating between Domenico Andreoli and myself.  There's
> not a lot of spare cycles here; help is more than welcomed!  :-)

i am currently pretty upset of Debian and i am not being too
active. neiter i have much spare time. so i will not do that work either.
while i am sure Steve is overstretching i don't think i will help him
any time soon, sorry Steve.

this package is not an easy task and must be managed by a team, not
a single person, expecially now that there are multiple versions in
the archive and get more and more rdepends. good skills are required,
here c++ is used in very advanced way.

i find the boost-default package the most simple way to drive transitions
but given the rate of new upstream releases i would expect that latest
released version can never be the default in testing.

so moving boost-default only when the upgrade can be managed mostly
via BinNMU looks the best option to me. in this way experimental builds
may be of help.

yes, i said nothing new, only my own thougts about it.


ps: Steve, thank you for the great work!

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