Hi Adeodato,

Thanks for the arch:any explanation; that makes sense.

On Sat, May 02, 2009 at 08:37:22PM +0200, Adeodato Sim?? wrote:

> I see you've uploaded boost-defaults already. In your previous mail, you
> asked whether it was okay to upload already, or if we needed to wait
> until the latest boost1.38 would migrate to testing.

Um, yeah ... I was a bit impatient and did the upload after asking but
before receiving your answer.  Sorry about that.

> I gave you a
> detailed explanation of the circumstances in which it was okay to upload
> already, but it seems to me (at least, by looking at the SVN repository;
> I don't have access to the actual files as uploaded to ftp-master) that
> the second of these conditions has not been met, nor I received any
> indication about the first one. That's unfortunate, but hopefully mipsel
> will manage to build boost1.38/1.38.0-5 before boost-defaults clears out
> of NEW, and we'll be safe.

Yeah, that would be good.  Or I can make another upload of boost-defaults,
with the build-dependency versioned as you suggested (the second "iff").

I plan to make a second upload of boost-defaults anyway, since the first
uses "arch:all" and no build-depends.


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