Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:17 PMValessio Brito wrote:
>I think the attempt to tender / call for proposal has already happened more 
>than once and did not work very well.

>My proposal would be the convening of interested people to work under the 
>same concept and proposal.

I like this idea very much.
>Would not the construction of several themes, all parties could work 
>on a concept or theme predefined by the developers.

Yes, several themes makes sense. 
Hopefully making artists happy to be included in the process, 
even if an artists works is not the default theme used
with any of the many Desktops available.

As well as reducing the bickering over contests and such. 

>The concept of sustainability and clean energy.
>Or a topic related "against planned obsolescence" or "free technologies".

My I submit another theme topic for possible discussion[s]?

Occupy movement

>this is just a different view of the competition where we have several 
>proposals and in the end we do not have a solid >work on the concept and other 

>We will be a team of people working to make the best of a single design.

Apologies to the Debian Desktop team regarding my last post.
As much work has been done by the team since the squeeze release, 
I was not aware of at the time I posted. 



>> Profissional de inovação
>@valessiobrito / +55 (71) VALESSIO

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