On 20/10/16 13:25, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <po...@debian.org> (2016-10-20):
>>> Since linux vs. fat/efi is no longer an issue, I'm tempted to prepare
>>> a new d-i release soonish. I'll probably freeze udebs in the upcoming
>>> hours or days, and try to figure out what to do with packages sitting
>>> in unstable for the time being.
>>> Feel free to mention packages you want to see in testing, in case I go
>>> for a conservative approach (and only hand-pick a few packages); feel
>>> free to cc me explicitly to make sure I read your replies.
>> Since the transition freeze is in a couple of weeks, I don't want to
>> hold from doing any work on that front now. I don't mind if you block
>> stuff from migrating for a few days, but I'm mentioning it since IIRC
>> you build d-i from unstable.
> d-i is built within unstable, but fetches udebs from testing during its
> build; the block-udeb hints are here to control what we're fetching from
> testing during the build.

That makes a lot of sense! Then we should be good for now.


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