Am / On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:53:45 +0100
schrieb / wrote Daniel Leidert <>:

> Ok. The github sources don't contain a .gemspec file but
> the gem does. The .gemspec is created by a rake task in
> Rakefile.
> Three options:
> 1) Add a patch to create the .gemspec file.
> 2) Run the rake task to create the gemspec file in
> debian/rules 
> 3) Instead of using the github sources use
> the gem (delete the upstream/3.0.6 tag and re-import the
> source using the gem -> debian/watch needs to be reverted
> to using gemwatch ... I know, sorry)

A patch would have to be updated with every new version,
because the specs may change. And in the rake-file I didn't
find any rule to generate only the gemspec-file (alone). So
I choose the third option. As said, when learning by doing,
doing is learning ;-)

The package builds now and the tests ran without errors :-)
Only a few lintian warnings which I fixed, only the ones
about missing nmu-entries are open.

> I quickly checked. You don't seem to be a member of the
> ruby-team on If you want to push
> directly you need to apply for team membership.
> Alternatively: if you have forked the repository from the
> Ruby team into your own namespace then push the changes
> to your repository and create merge requests against the
> team's repository.

I think a team-membership may be a little bit too much for
someone with my 'profound' knowledge, who only wants to
help and get 3 packages updated or (back) into Debian.
So I imported the repository in my namespace and pushed all
my changes there:

Maybe you should have a look first before I create a merge
request. In my opinion esp. the changelog-file looks ugly
because of all the entries of all the years without
release. Maybe it can be compressed a little bit?

BTW: gbp only pushed the changes of the pristine-tar- and
upstream-branches and refused to push my changes in master.
I had to use git for this, I hope that's ok though.

Thanks for all your help!


Klaumi Klingsporn

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