Am / On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 03:16:14 +0100
schrieb / wrote Daniel Leidert <>:

> I'll have a look. But you can still create the merge
> requests. It makes it easier to compare the changes.
> Because you updated to a newer upstream versuon you must
> create merge requests for all affacted branches inlcuding
> upstream and pristine-tar.

Sorry, but I'm obviously too stupid to do so. 

When I choose the merge-request-button in the blue
menu-line on top of the page or when I use the
merge-request-button in the white dash-board on the left
side while staying in my repository, I can open a 'new
merge request' but I can choose only my repository and the
branches in there as target. When I try to write
'ruby-team/ruby-cmdparse' in on the right side as target,
it keeps showing the last changes in the selected branch in
my repository as target nevertheless and when I go ahead it
creates a merge request that suddenly wants merge my
selected source branch (upstream in my case) into my master
branch although I previously selected the corresponding
branch (upstream) on the target-side as well.

When I use the white dash-board on the left
side while staying in your repository, I cannot open a new
merge request. 

So I have no idea, how to get this done! I'm obviously
missing something!


Klaumi Klingsporn

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