Am Mittwoch, den 11.11.2020, 00:42 +0100 schrieb Klaumi Klingsporn:
> Am / On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 16:53:45 +0100
> schrieb / wrote Daniel Leidert <>:

> The package builds now and the tests ran without errors :-)
> Only a few lintian warnings which I fixed, only the ones
> about missing nmu-entries are open.

You can add "Team upload." as top entry.

> > I quickly checked. You don't seem to be a member of the
> > ruby-team on If you want to push
> > directly you need to apply for team membership.
> > Alternatively: if you have forked the repository from the
> > Ruby team into your own namespace then push the changes
> > to your repository and create merge requests against the
> > team's repository.
> I think a team-membership may be a little bit too much for
> someone with my 'profound' knowledge, who only wants to
> help and get 3 packages updated or (back) into Debian.

Well, gitlab knows different roles. So we would let you start with the basic
rights. But the following is also fine:

> So I imported the repository in my namespace and pushed all
> my changes there:
> Maybe you should have a look first before I create a merge
> request.

I'll have a look. But you can still create the merge requests. It makes it
easier to compare the changes. Because you updated to a newer upstream versuon
you must create merge requests for all affacted branches inlcuding upstream and

>  In my opinion esp. the changelog-file looks ugly
> because of all the entries of all the years without
> release. Maybe it can be compressed a little bit?

I'll check tomorrow.

> BTW: gbp only pushed the changes of the pristine-tar- and
> upstream-branches and refused to push my changes in master.
> I had to use git for this, I hope that's ok though.

Yes, it is. Did gbp report an error? It should let you do this if git does.
Maybe a misconfiguration (debian-branch set correctly?)?

Regards, Daniel
Daniel Leidert <> |
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