On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 07:52:59AM -0700, Stefan Srdic wrote:
> I would'nt mind getting involved with the Debian project, even it is just 
> wriiting docs for the community.

Even if it's *just* writing docs for the community?  A lot of people
don't seem to realize it, but that's one of the most important things
you can do to contribute!  In many cases, the code is all there but the
only people who know how to use it are the people who wrote it!

> I don't have any pratical experience with FreeSWAN at all, however, I have 
> statically compiled BIND 9 and placed it in a chroot jail on Debian. I 
> wonder if it would hard to packge a chroot'ed setup of BIND9 once it 
> completely configured?

I recall there being discussion a while back about packaging chroot
bind.  I don't know whether or not anything came of it at all.  There is
a chroot bind HOWTO already.  Last I knew, this only addressed bind 8
and did so from either a distribution independent or (worse) a Redhat
specific point of view.  I'm not sure where you would want to publish
your bind 9 docs.  Perhaps they'd be put to best use if contributed to
the "Securing Debian" howto.  Or you could offer them to the author of
the chroot bind HOWTO, possibly adding the Debian specific stuff as an
appendix to the main document or something.

> I would be glad to contribute to any aspect of Debian itself. Just let me 
> know what I can do.

If you're serious about your willingness to contribute documentation,
see http://www.debian.org/doc/ddp/  To me, it seems that a lot of the
docs there have a great deal of potential, but there's a lot of
duplication of effort.  I'd really love to see a relatively major,
broadly scoped document linked directly from the www.debian.org, similar
to the FreeBSD Handbook.  That's my suggestion, anyway.  There's plenty
of work to be done.


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