also sprach Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002.01.15.1316 +0100]:
> > Debian being what it is, are there any reasons why the debian bind 
> > package should not be chroot as the default instalation?
>       RTFM. That is:
>       :) 

well, first of all, this document refers to a bug, #50013 (to which this
is CCd). in the bug, the argument comes up that "opinions differ from
running bind non-root". but a chroot jail is advised.

i'd love to know just why you'd ever run bind as root, even in a jail.
if i have root rights in a jail, i'll break out of the jail within
minutes (e.g. [1]).

second, why would you *need* bind running as root?

and thirdly, please check the threads at [2] and [3] if you are
interested in a discussion on bind9 and chroot.

> > One thing that might be a good idea, would be a security review of the 
> > main debian packages. It's probably beeing done for some already, but I 
> > would guess a lot of debian packages could benefit from even stricter 
> > default setups. For example, maybe libsafe should be default inn all 
> > installs.
>       Agreed. Feel free to point to better security measures in the
> Default installation and document them, once done it is a major point of
> pressure to change Debian policy.

running non-root *and* chrooting.

>       Debian could provide, with only some effort from package
> maintainers versions of daemons chrooted to given environments. This
> however, might break Policy (IMHO).

how would it break policy?


martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
above all, we should not wish to divest
our existence of its rich ambiguity.
                                                          -- nietzsche

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