-----Original Message-----
From: "s. keeling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 11:06:08 -0700
Subject: Re: Mail processing tool

> Incoming from Jonas J Linde:
> > And [EMAIL PROTECTED] spoke unto the world. And said:
> > > I need a tool that does the following work:
> > > checks for new mail in a maibox via pop3;
> So, IMAP is the wrong answer.

I've choosen pop3 because it's simpler, but it is not a MUST...

> > > verify the digital signature and decrypts the mail;
> GnuPG

Of course

> > > parse the body;
> procmail/grep/sed/perl/bash/python/...

Yeah, I have to write a lot of code...
This kind of suggestion is like... c++,basic,cobol,java,asp,...

I'm looking for something customizzable, but already written...

> > > executes 1 or more action (completely customizzable);
> procmail

Procmail is a big tool, I need something different: small, reliable, 

> > > delete (archives) the mail;
> fetchmail

Fetchmail has the bad habit of freeze itself while downloading...

> > This sounds like an ideal job for the combination of the rather
> > appropriately named tools fetchmail and procmail, which - to no big
> > surprise - are suitable to fetch and process mail.
> Agreed.  Add on gnupg for signature verification and decryption
> (perhaps callable by procmail).
> I'm not surprised there isn't one monolithic tool to do what you ask;
> you're asking a lot.  Chaining one existing specific tool after
> another to build up your overall system is the way to go.

I agree, but I'm looking for smaller tools: I hate installing a 
mailserver for handling an email... My idea is a group of 4-5 small 
routines in perl or C, but I haven't found those yet.
Moreover the solution should depend on few system libraries.

Any idea?

Thanks, Radel

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