-----Original Message-----
From: Jonas J Linde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2004 23:43:33 +0100
Subject: Re: Mail processing tool
> > Great! 227kb of source tar ball... Netfilter's code is, much or less,
> > the same. I think you consider netfilter a small tool, isn't you?
> Eh, we're talking about combining this with gnupg which is 3.5MB in
> source tar ball; so yes, I'd consider procmail a reasonably small tool
> considering that full customization was one of the requirements.

This is true; but gnupg is a must. So it doesn't cont;) 

> But of course. I'm not arguing that you should use these tools against
> your judgement. I would be interested in hearing if you find any better
> solution though. As was properly guessed I have been using the fetch- /
> procmail combination for ten years or so; apparently without loosing
> mail; the tricky part is to avoid mail loops. ;)
I'll explain my project: I need a kind of "secure remote control". I 
need to control a remote machine sending commands by email; of course 
the email needs to be encrypted and signed.

I'll test this software on woody, but I want to port the solution in a  
live cd made by me; so depending on few libraries is preferred.

At the moment I have found only one solution: write the script myself:((

However...thanks. At least for interesting on (in? i'm not english;) my 


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