-----Original Message-----
From: Florent Rougon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 25 Jan 2004 23:00:36 +0100
Subject: Re: Mail processing tool

> Jonas J Linde <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Procmail is a big tool, I need something different: small, reliable,
> >> secure. 
> >
> > Big? The gzipped source tar ball is 227kB. If you want something that
> > processes mail in a fully customizable way I'm pretty sure you won't
> find
> > anything much smaller than that.

Great! 227kb of source tar ball... Netfilter's code is, much or less, 
the same. I think you consider netfilter a small tool, isn't you?

> Well, the procmail source code is written in a very... bizarre style.
> In
> my book, it doesn't qualify as reliable.

I agree.

> And please, don't think you can start flaming right away because you
> have been using procmail for the past ten years or so and never had the
> slightest impression of it losing a mail. That is not the point. The
> point is that its source code is very unpleasant to me, so *I* wouldn't
> rely on it for anything serious. That has nothing to do with your
> experience of its use.
I agree again.

Moreover I think fetchmail/procmail solution doesn't fit my needs. Stop. 
If someone has another idea...great. Otherwise...thanks.


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