On Sun, 26 Mar 2000, Srebrenko Sehic wrote:

> Is there a stright forward method of denying _all_ incoming emails with
> sendmail (v8.8.7)? I need this because sendmail's only purpose is to send
> and not accept any.
> I guess I could just block all incoming packets to port 25, but is this a
> good idea?


how about using the /etc/hosts.allow file. I have for example the
following line there (among others):

exim : LOCAL

which restricts conects to the exim mta service (port 25) to local
conections. sendmail seems to be linked against libwrap0, hence I gues, it
will respect a 

sendmail : LOCAL

entry there (or somthing similar). more informations can probably be found
in the hosts_access (5) and hosts_options (5) man pages.


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it's just that they stopped at 65,535 to prevent an overflow."

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