
this is just a summary of the current Sparc slink status:

* boot floppies

Seem to work pretty well. Some devices for a working X setup are missing
from the initial installation (sunmouse, fb*, kbd; known by Eric). Eric,
could you incorporate a generic-sparc target in the makedev package and
upload it too (or provide the patches to the list) ?  On a SS10
I had problems using the bootfloppies because every command issued in ash
was segfaulting (ash_0.3.4-6.2 uploaded yesterday fixes the symptoms but I'm 
not sure why ;-) Eric, could you test the new ash and include it in the
next boot floppies release (it's mandatory for the two SS10 we got around)

* X

Seems to work well on most installations. I uploaded the last X packages and 
didn't file a bug report with the patch but sent it to Anders who 
usually does the X stuff on Sparc. I didn't keep up with the latest X 
prereleases on i386 but we definitly need another X upload after Branden
released another X set. Anders, Steve, could you coordinate on syncing up
with Branden's prereleases ? I would favor to use the current X sparc patch
for frozen and switch to Steve's patches for potato.

* kernel issues

2.0.35 was running pretty well for me. I'm running a 2.2.0-pre8 cvs kernel 
right now which is up 6 days. Anyone experiences with 2.2.0 ?

If we'll agree on a good 2.2.x candiate I'll package it and upload an image.
Probably we should provide 2.2.x boot images too. What's your opinion Eric ?

* outdated and missing packages

I've got most of the outdated stuff compiled and will upload it today or
tomorrow (hope I will get Gnome done too ;-)

* testing

I would appreciate a flood of experiences with the uptodate sparc slink 
distribution. Serious brokenness is especially welcome but we like 
supportive cheers too ;-)

Comments or anything else I forgot ?

Greetings from rainy Germany,


Christian Meder, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
What's the railroad to me ?
I never go to see
Where it ends.
It fills a few hollows,
And makes banks for the swallows, 
It sets the sand a-blowing,
And the blackberries a-growing.
                      (Henry David Thoreau)

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