On Wed, Jan 27, 1999 at 02:16:54PM +0100, Christian Meder wrote:
> * kernel issues
> 2.0.35 was running pretty well for me. I'm running a 2.2.0-pre8 cvs kernel
> right now which is up 6 days. Anyone experiences with 2.2.0 ?
> If we'll agree on a good 2.2.x candiate I'll package it and upload an image.
> Probably we should provide 2.2.x boot images too. What's your opinion Eric ?

I'm running the 2.2.0 +CVS, uptime only one day. I've uploaded the
kernel patch package for sparc to 2.2.0 to go along with Jonnie Ingrams's
(netgod) 2.2.0 source upload. We would just need an image uploaded next.
I strongly suggest waiting for 2.2.1 for a release candidate as long as
bcwhite will acknowledge we _need_ this kernel in the sparc release.
I've had very bad luck with 2.0.x kernels, especially on sun4c's.

> * testing
> I would appreciate a flood of experiences with the uptodate sparc slink
> distribution. Serious brokenness is especially welcome but we like
> supportive cheers too ;-)

I've got slink running on an IPC with 50 days uptime (as of today :)
using the 2.1.131 kernel. It's only acting as an ircd so I haven't been
doing any harcore testing. My LX with the 2.2.0 kernel (been using
2.1.130 and 2.1.131 as well) has been doing well running apache,
wu-ftpd, cvs, openldap and dqueued as well as doing weekly tape
backups. This is about the closest I have to a full production server,
and I am very pleased with it's performance and stability.

-----    -- - -------- --------- ----  -------  -----  - - ---   --------
Ben Collins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  Debian GNU/Linux
UnixGroup Admin - Jordan Systems Inc.                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
------ -- ----- - - -------   ------- -- The Choice of the GNU Generation

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