On 27/01, Jules Bean wrote:
| > When we say fakeroot is broken, do we mean the one in libtricks, or the
| > actual fakeroot package. The libtricks version seems to have a problem
| > on glibc 2.1 systems, this was verified by some people using the other
| > ports. I just tries the actual fakeroot package and it seemed to work
| > fine.
| I mean libtricks.
| Is fakeroot still available for slink?  Presumably it is, and I did
| something stupid (I did try to find it, but I could have made some foolish
| mistake).

apt-get install fakeroot

(it worked just fine for me 3 hours ago when I noticed the segmentation fault
with the libtricks one)

Samuel Tardieu -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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