>>>>> "AM" == Andreas Metzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

AM> Ich nehme an
AM> ssh -v -C -L 11111:pophost:110 -f pophost sleep 30
AM> produziert auch keine interessanten Fehlermeldungen, oder?

Nicht daß ich's erkennen würde.  Erst beklagt sich der
Server zwar, daß da ein empty password login ankommt (ich
nehme an, das ist, weil ich eine empty passphrase verwende),
dann akzeptiert er es aber doch und meldet, daß das forward
eingerichtet ist.

== Uwe ==

PS, zur Erheiterung:

  $ ssh -v -C -L 11111:popserver:110 -f popserver sleep 10
  SSH Version 1.2.27 [i686-unknown-linux], protocol version 1.5.
  Standard version.  Does not use RSAREF.
  myhost: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
  myhost: ssh_connect: getuid 61210 geteuid 0 anon 0
  myhost: Connecting to popserver [num.ip.addr.ess] port 22.
  myhost: Allocated local port 1021.
  myhost: Connection established.
  myhost: Remote protocol version 1.5, remote software version 1.2.27
  myhost: Waiting for server public key.
  myhost: Received server public key (768 bits) and host key (1024 bits).
  myhost: Host 'popserver' is known and matches the host key.
  myhost: Initializing random; seed file /home/uwe/.ssh/random_seed
  myhost: Encryption type: idea
  myhost: Sent encrypted session key.
  myhost: Installing crc compensation attack detector.
  myhost: Received encrypted confirmation.
  myhost: Remote: Server does not permit empty password login.
  myhost: Trying rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv with RSA host authentication.
  myhost: Remote: Accepted for myhost.epfl.ch [num.ip.addr.ess] by /etc/hosts.equiv.
  myhost: Received RSA challenge for host key from server.
  myhost: Sending response to host key RSA challenge.
  myhost: Remote: Rhosts with RSA host authentication accepted.
  myhost: Rhosts or /etc/hosts.equiv with RSA host authentication accepted by server.
  myhost: Requesting compression at level 6.
  myhost: Enabling compression at level 6.
  myhost: Requesting X11 forwarding with authentication spoofing.
  myhost: Connections to local port 11111 forwarded to remote address popserver:110
  myhost: Allocated channel 0 of type 2.
  myhost: Sending command: sleep 10
  myhost: Entering interactive session.
  myhost: Sending eof.
  [10:59:51] [uwe@myhost:~]$ 
  myhost: Transferred: stdin 0, stdout 0, stderr 0 bytes in 10.1 seconds
  myhost: Bytes per second: stdin 0.0, stdout 0.0, stderr 0.0
  myhost: Exit status 0
  myhost: compress outgoing: raw data 78, compressed 86, factor 1.10
  myhost: compress incoming: raw data 6, compressed 11, factor 1.83

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