On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 12:42:17AM +0200, Basri Kanca wrote:
> Hi all,
> I know this does sound like the lamest question, but I
> simply have to ask it --please flame sparingly :-)
> When I do an 'apt-get install <something>', does <something>
> actually get placed in a menu item under somewhere under
> the 'Applications' --referring to Gnome.
> If so, how do I know which menu path <something> has been
> placed --other than going thru every single menu and trying
> to guess whether the menu item just added bears a resemblence
> to the <something> that I 'apt-get'ted.
> And, a second question --if I may: Is there a GUI way (i.e.
> using Nautilus) to create launcable menu-items under
> 'Applications'? I tried 'File --> Create Launcher' but
> it comes up paractically blank.
> Thank you all
Hi Basri,
I skimmed the man page for update-menus. It mentions lots of things
about adding items and other useful stuff.
'man update-menus'
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