Jon-Eirik Pettersen wrote:
Sam Watkins wrote:
For example, windows XP and Max OS X have a user-interface for switching
between multiples users' desktops.  We don't have such an interface in
Debian / under X as far as I know, but it possible to do the same sort
of thing from the command line, it's just that no one has gone to the
trouble to make a "click-and-drool" way to do this yet ;)

Isn't that being implemented in KDE 3.4?

What's so hard about "log out" on the RMB, the KDE menu and on the panel if so desired? All of those have been present in KDE as long as I can remember and I don't see anything easier on my OSX machine presently.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
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