On 10/6/2005, at 1:55, David Jardine wrote:

be getting out of hand :)
us a lecture on top posting sometime soon?  It seems to
Isn't some authoritative voice on the list going to give

I gave up lecturing people about top quoting. Non Technical People, and those are the most in most companies, just don't get it. First they get used to it, because they used Outlook Products at home and at office, secondly in the management area its a good tone to top quote. Actually I default set to bottom quoting, but _all_ of my managers asked me to change it back for them.

I just got used to get a 25K mail where everything is quoted on the bottom and things are written on top. It makes no sense to quote it, nobody reads it, but still its done. I hate it, but lecturing them is just impossible. When I answer back, I delete all the crap, quote correctly, I haven't seen a single one change.

I wished people would understand why in longer conversations top quoting just doesn't work. But well ... its just much easier to write one line above then to delete some from below. Plus most clients nowadays don't even strip of the signature, so you get that quoted too. Plus, for the supercool ones, they answer back in HTML mail and instead of 25K crap you get 3 or 4 times the size (or even more).

[ Clemens Schwaighofer                      -----=====:::::~ ]
[ TEQUILA\ Japan IT Engineer                                 ]
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