On Sat, 11 Jan 1997, Pete Templin wrote:

> > No, this is wrong. A new user should not have to read long documents prior
> I disagree.  You should understand what you are doing.  If you don't even
> want to know what is going and how you are to use it, what is the point of
> having it?  Bragging to your friends?

I guess you people are right about that of course any user should follow
instructions. But that is no reason why installation is harder than it has
to be. Then why do we have dselect in the first place? Just supply dpkg
and a complete manual and we would not have any problems? Right?

No! Installation should be as easy as possible. Our goal should be to make
it so easy that no one has to look in the manual. And we're not far from
there. I gave my two friends rex and told them to install it, after having
saying good things about it for several months. Neither of them have used
any unix before. Both made very few mistakes. I see this as a success for
Debian, BUT, both made the mistake i posted about. So making this clearer
would make installation easier, at least for some people.
Easier installation is Good.

  // Jonas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2:201/262.37]

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