> From: "Orn E. Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>   Look at Windows... and all the users running it, with its "idiot proof"=
> user interface? You want to make a Debian shot at where Microsoft is fail=
> ing
> so miserably?  All you will ever accomplish is a big bunch of helpless
> users, that can't even figure out by themselves to re-start a program whe=
> n it =
> gets stuck.

Wrong.  The problem with Windows (well, the problem _I_ have with it) is
not that it tries to magically do everything without user intervention.
It's that there's no fricking documentation to know how it works to fix
it when it doesn't get things right.

>   The installation should be as complex as it needs be, to be able to tak=
> e
> care of all possible needs of the system, with the systems cababilities i=
> n
> mind.  But CONTEXT RELATIVE... which is not the same as EASY.  This means=
>  if
> you are new to the system, you have to Read The Fuckin' Manual, but if yo=

But where is that Fine manual?  Installation instructions need to point to


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