Jona Bofjall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No! Installation should be as easy as possible. Our goal should be to make
> it so easy that no one has to look in the manual. And we're not far from
> there. I gave my two friends rex and told them to install it, after having
> saying good things about it for several months. Neither of them have used
> any unix before. Both made very few mistakes. I see this as a success for
> Debian, BUT, both made the mistake i posted about. So making this clearer
> would make installation easier, at least for some people.
> Easier installation is Good.
   You're really losing the point here... what is in your mind, an EASY
installation? A brain dead program, that does all your thinking for you?
You want your Linux box to be like your C64... just power on and wait for
the "Ready." prompt?

  Look at Windows... and all the users running it, with its "idiot proof"
user interface? You want to make a Debian shot at where Microsoft is failing
so miserably?  All you will ever accomplish is a big bunch of helpless
users, that can't even figure out by themselves to re-start a program when it 
gets stuck.

  The installation should be as complex as it needs be, to be able to take
care of all possible needs of the system, with the systems cababilities in
mind.  But CONTEXT RELATIVE... which is not the same as EASY.  This means if
you are new to the system, you have to Read The Fuckin' Manual, but if you
are experienced computer guru, you should be able to find your way through
with minimum effort.

  The user, her/himself is far better off by going through an initial phase,
where she/he will get intimite with the system.  It will save the user a
lot of money/time and frustration later on.

Ørn Einar Hansen                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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