Kevin Traas wrote:
> After doing some Web browsing and reading docs, Howto's, etc. I haven't
> found too much information (at least that I was hoping for) on using ISDN
> on Linux.
> Specifically, I currently have a USR Sportster 128K sitting here in the
> box.  I'd like to use it in my Debian Linux system.  (Running 1.2.8)
> >From what I've found, only a few ISDN TA's seem to be supported under Linux
> and they're all European brands that I've never heard of before (in my
> limited existance... <grin>...) and that don't seem to be readily available
> here in Canada.
> Are other ISDN TA's supported by Linux?  i.e. USR Sportster ISDN, Motorola
> Bitsurfer Pro, etc.
> TIA for your help,

Does the Sportster 128K come in external variety? I went round and
round with USR trying to get them to give me specs so that I could
write a Linux driver for this card. They eventually told me that an
outside company had written the SCO software driver and that I should
talk to them. That company ignored my emails consistently. We ended
up getting a Zyxel TA128U. It's an external and we're only using one
channel and it works just fine. Any external should work as long as
it supports "PPP Sync-to-Async" conversion. You just set up a dial
script and once you get "CONNECT" you return from the chat script
and off it goes. It works flawlessly for us here and I see up to
6.5KB/sec transfer rates (one B channel, not two). Ascend Communications
is rumored to be writing a NetBSD driver for their ISDN card, so
maybe they'll do one for Linux?! 

Jens B. Jorgensen

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