> > After doing some Web browsing and reading docs, Howto's, etc. I haven't
> > found too much information (at least that I was hoping for) on using
> > on Linux.
> > 
> > Specifically, I currently have a USR Sportster 128K sitting here in the
> > box.  I'd like to use it in my Debian Linux system.  (Running 1.2.8)

> Does the Sportster 128K come in external variety? I went round and
> round with USR trying to get them to give me specs so that I could
> write a Linux driver for this card. They eventually told me that an
> outside company had written the SCO software driver and that I should
> talk to them. That company ignored my emails consistently. 

Right now, I'm pretty sure USR only provides the Sportster as internal.

> We ended
> up getting a Zyxel TA128U. It's an external and we're only using one
> channel and it works just fine. Any external should work as long as
> it supports "PPP Sync-to-Async" conversion. You just set up a dial
> script and once you get "CONNECT" you return from the chat script
> and off it goes. It works flawlessly for us here and I see up to
> 6.5KB/sec transfer rates (one B channel, not two). 

Thanks for the info.  One thing I'm interested in is configuring things so
that I can establish a 1 or 2 B channel connection on demand.  My ISP
supports Multilink PPP; therefore, I'd like to set things up so that if I
know I'm going to be needing all the bandwidth I can get, I'll establish
the connection using the two B channels.  (It would be great if the Linux
box could be set to timeout after a period of bandwidth "saturation", drop
the single B channel connection, and then reconnect using both B

The other problem I've got is in using an external ISDN TA and both B
channels is that I'm going to have to have a high-end serial port that
supports 230,400bps or more if possible....  Right now, the Linux box I'm
using to connect to my ISP is only using a 16450 UART.  I'll have to
upgrade that, too.  I wonder if I can drive a 16550 beyond 115,200....

> Ascend Communications
> is rumored to be writing a NetBSD driver for their ISDN card, so
> maybe they'll do one for Linux?! 

Wouldn't it be nice?  And much easier on all of us... <grin>  Maybe a
little "pressure" (i.e. read "demand" from the Linux community) would
entice them to do so.

Thanks alot for the info, Jens

Kevin Traas
Systems Analyst
Edmondson Roper CA

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