On Tue, 27 May 1997, George Bonser wrote:

> I have seen the same problem with a small system (8MB) when attempting to
> mkfs a disk drive.  I wonder if it has anything to do with the disk
> controller baing busy when the system attempts to swap.  This is a BusTek
> ISA SCSI controller card that seems to want to load the BusLogic Driver.
> It is the only disk controller on the system and has three hard drives and
> a floppy attached. It probably would not happen with bus-mastering
> controllers or and local bus controllers such as VESA or PCI if my
> speculation is correct.
> > I installed debian on my computer last week.   I left it sitting for the
> > weekend.  When I returned, I found the following message updating every so
> > often on my screen:  "couldn't get a free page"

If my following of one of the kernel threads is correct, this is a serious
kernel bug that occures when you either have a heavily loaded system or a
very low memory system. The trouble is that the kernel has allocated all
your memory to the disk cache (or other things) and desperately requires a
new empty page to continue functioning. It cannot free any in memory pages
for some reason (Dirty?)

I saw a post where someone mentioned that he could reproduce this by
compiling two kernels at once and doing some other operations.. Donno..
What you two are reporting might even be something completely different.


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