On Wed, 28 May 1997, Leslie Mikesell wrote:

> I got this recently when running in single-user mode doing mke2fs on
> a 9 gig drive, but I think my swap space wasn't activated.  Has the
> install package activated swap at this point?

Yes, basically this occurs "following the prompts" when installing Debian.
I mean, I configured the keyboard, I activated the swap partition, and
then I make the file system.

I pressed send a bit too soon last time, sorry. The machine is a P120, 8
MB RAM, 32 MB swap, 400 MB ext2 partition, the rest (about 1 GB) is FAT.
The controller is IDE, and it's integrated onto the motherboard. It's PCI,
and at boot up, the system says it's using PIO Mode 4. What else am I
forgetting now... :-) 

I hope this is useful,


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