On Tue, 27 May 1997, Brandon Mitchell wrote:

> Kernel 2.0.30 changed the way it handles memory.  It's supposed to be a
> stable kernel (by this I'm saying it's a 2.0.x and not a 2.1.x), but
> problems like this make me think it shouldn't be used in 1.3.  Could you
> try downgrading to 2.0.29 and let me (or the whole list) know if it
> works? 

This isn't the same situation, but...

I've got an spare machine here, where I've been installing and
reinstalling Debian 1.3, using the lastest available disks. Every time I
make the file system, I get a "couldn't get a free page" message. Just
once, when 25% of the partition has been formatted (currently it's a 400
MB partition). Everything seems to work, and I have no problems after
that, but it's kind of annoying. I didn't think it was something
important, but then again... 


                        Marcelo Magallon

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