On Thu, 3 Jul 1997, Alex Yukhimets wrote:

> > > 
> > > Communicator 4.01b6 works great here too!  However, it seems to be a
> > > memory hog, and the memory usage just keeps growing, sometimes up to 40 MB
> > > virtual memory (?) (and X was taking over 30 MBs by then too) and by that
> > > time I would just quit and restart Netscape so I wouldn't run out of
> > > memory.  Maybe part of the reason is that I am using some big Chinese
> > > fonts?  :)  But other than that, it is one of the most stable release!
> > > The response was fast and quick too! 
> > 
> > And they include a dynamically linked version too.  
> Well, true, but it was linked against Motif 1.2 which make it useless

Does it mean it works with lesstif, which is claimed to be code
compatible with Motif 1.2 ?

If so, it's a good news.


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