On Sun, 13 Jul 1997, Randy Edwards wrote: > However, I think it could be worked better (read: without mentioning > Win95) than your suggestion... :-)
Why? Think of it this way, linux is so darned configurable that it can be made to act like nearly anything. Since the consumer internet service providers bent over backwards to serve Win95, why not use that as leverage. They go to all that trouble and expense to service Windows and we simply hop on for the ride. The message to the ISP's is "Linux is no more difficult to support than Win95". Then the ISP can say "Cool, we work with Linux!". Shoot, we can even make a simply tk front end that looks JUST like DUN if we wanted to and the customer support tech at the ISP can use the SAME scripts they use with Win95 to talk a newbie through configuration, In other words, make Win95 look like it caused the ISP to lay out a lot in equipment, software, and training and Debian can just go right along for the ride .... for free. George Bonser If I was in charge of the world, things would be a lot better (for me). -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] .