On Sun, 13 Jul 1997, Louis-Philippe Alain wrote:

> I disagree... Why make it easier? I use Linux for 2 weeks now. I used Dos
> and windows for 8 years before. You want to know why I switched to Linux?
> Because Win95 was boring. I think what makes Linux be Linux is the fact
> that it's not very user friendly if you compare it to Win95. The nore it's
> hard to make a Linux box running as you want, the more you learn.
> Personnally I love to learn. I love to read HOW-TOs and Documents to LEARN
> how to make what I want to make. I don't want it to be easier. I want to
> continue to work hard to do what I want to... It's the beauty of OSs like
> Linux.

Righto! linux treats you as a knowledgeable person, not some idiot who
does'nt know how to use an OS.

my $ 0.02.

                 Andre M. Varon         Lasaltech, Incorported
                 Technical Head         Fax-Tel: (034)433-3520
                 e-mail  : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                 web page: http://www.lasaltech.com/andre.html

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