Louis-Philippe Alain writes:
> You want to know why I switched to Linux?  Because Win95 was boring. I
> think what makes Linux be Linux is the fact that it's not very user
> friendly if you compare it to Win95. The nore it's hard to make a Linux
> box running as you want, the more you learn.

There is nothing more boring than a simple task made needlessly complex.
Do you program in machine code?  I once did.  Learned a lot.  Never want to
do it again, and see no reason why anyone else have to should do it.

> I love to read HOW-TOs and Documents to LEARN how to make what I want to
> make. I don't want it to be easier.

Nobody is threatening to prevent you from making things as difficult for
yourself as you wish.  We just want to allow people to apply their talents
to new problems, instead of solving the same old ones over and over.
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