On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> It's getting kind of loud here. I've been thinking of splitting the
> debian-user list into several lists:
>       debian-user: user discussion
>       debian-install: installation problems
>       debian-novice: newbies are intimidated by other lists, so here's
>        one of their own.
> I am afraid that I am no longer capable of reading every article in
> the debian lists. I guess it's the price of success.
> Comments?

I've resisted this for a while, but the time may have arrived for such a 
split.  I now simply scan the subjects in debian-user looking for those 
that interest me, as well as questions which are left unanswered--I 
respond to those in the rare instance that I know an answer which escapes 
the others.  Unfortunately, it is impractical to read every posting.



Syrus Nemat-Nasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    UCSD Physics Dept.

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