On Sat, 2 Aug 1997, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:

> On Aug 02, Anand Kumria wrote:
> > 
> > I like the idea of a debian-news mailing list, and would think it would be
> > a good idea to gate whatever it sent to it to the debian-user mailing
> > list. Perhaps the debian-news mailing list could become similiar to the
> > ApacheWeek <URL:http://www.apacheweek.com/> newsletter that gets sent out
> > every week.
> The debian-news would help for many things, like problems with upgrading
> packages, and so on.
> Perhaps an actual debian-FAQ posted regularly would also help:
> Many questions on debian-user are asked frequent: PPP, star office, and
> libc6 are a few examples. A few people, that take the best answers to those
> questions and make a short FAQ, could help reducing the noise.

Perhaps it would be possible to mail back the Debian FAQ, and some
instructions on how to get past copies of Debian News and that you should
search the archives before posting. I can't remember if this is what you
get back currently.

> Posted every week (or every second week), new users could read this before
> they ask. I don't think, that every new user search the mailing list first,
> before he post his questions.

Me either.

> I would begin with it, if you think that this is a good idea.

Sure, if you have the time - go fot it.

Also, in a previous email I said that I only look at the subject line
before I decided to respond. Perhaps it would be a good diea if everyone
who responds to a message modifies the subject line as appropriate - like
this one.

Then perhaps people will get into the habit of making the subject line


- --
 `When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to
  its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are
  forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression no matter how
  holy the motives' -- Robert A Heinlein, "If this goes on --"

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