On Fri, 1 Aug 1997, Alex Yukhimets wrote:

> > It's getting kind of loud here. I've been thinking of splitting the
> > debian-user list into several lists:
> > 
> >     debian-user: user discussion
> >     debian-novice: newbies are intimidated by other lists, so here's
> >      one of their own.
> And who's gonna answer their questions? I don't think many maintainers
> will sign for this list.

Every time this thread comes up, I see this same complaint.  First let me
start with an example, linux-newbie.  No administrators that I was aware
of, just a lot a users who have seen the same threads over and over again,
and a few pro's for the harder questions.  In time something like a
debian-newbie should have the same results.

Plan B, make a debian-guru instead.  Kind of a mix between debian-user and
debian-devel.  In the short term this is better because the people who
want less mail will move to guru.  However in the long term, I like the
newbie or novice solution better.

> >     debian-install: installation problems
> Splitting debian-install would work, but... Most of the questions
> discussed on debian-user is basically installation (configuration)
> problems. What we end up with is that people will post their questions
> to both (-user and -install) lists thus only increasing traffic.

If the install list if limited to base installation problems, I see this
as a good solution.  If it includes any kind of install, upgrade, dpkg
problem, I can see Alex's complaints.

> Alex Y.
> > 
> > I am afraid that I am no longer capable of reading every article in
> > the debian lists. I guess it's the price of success.
> > 
> > Comments?
> > 
> >     Bruce Perens
> >     Debian Project Leader

I've wanted this for a while myself Bruce, however there were never enough
people high enough up the chain willing to push it along.  

A third idea, make a debian-news.  A few debian people put together some
pages each week summarizing the latest with debian.  It could be an
outgoing list only, warning people of potential problems, new releases,
security holes, packages that need maintainers, etc.  This way someone who
can't handle the volume of all the list can still keep informed.

Just another random idea,

Brandon Mitchell                         E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Homepage: http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/7877/home.html

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